Alicia Pyle Talks PyleStyle Events and Gives Her Take on the Local Music Scene

Alicia Pyle

The original plan was to begin the Keepin' It Local Podcast by interviewing Alicia herself about PyleStyle Events. But then we had the opportunity to record a couple other really great interviews, and we just couldn't refuse. So now we're getting back to first things first. 

I start by asking Alicia what PyleStyle Events is and how it got started. The conversation then moves on to cover topics like how she balances her role booking event music with the performances of her bands, APQ and APQ-Harmonic. Next, we discuss how all this feeds in to her career as a music educator, and finally we get into her thoughts about the Northeast Indiana music scene and the upcoming events she's most excited about. 

Take a listen and let us know what you think. And look for the next episode in two weeks. (We'll be publishing episodes every other Friday -- unless we hear from lots of you that you'd like us to post interviews more frequently.)  

Alicia Pyle at the piano